Monday 30 March 2009

Saving the world

Lying in the bath last night, morosely contemplating the extra kilo that has arrived since last week, it occurred to me that it should be celebrated. The fatter I am, the less hot water it takes to fill the bath. The less hot water, the fewer of the earth's resources are being depleted. Therefore, every Twix bar saves the world.

Sunday 29 March 2009

Hello, world!

It's funny how the words dry up when you're faced with a blank screen.

What I shall find to say in the future - well, who knows? For now, I'm just happy to have my beautiful blue* laptop and be connected to the world.

Yes, it is blue. And it matters to me that it is blue. Maybe this is because I'm a fluffy-headed girlie, but I don't think so. Of course the colour is the thing about it that I can easily grasp and understand. I'm not too sure about RAM and ROM and REM. But I am as knowledgeable as the most knowledgeable geek when it comes to colour. I understand blue-ness.

And, what I want is a laptop that doesn't look like every other boring black or silver laptop in the world. I don't want to be like all the boring men on the train. To have a boring laptop is to be a boring person. I'm not boring and my laptop is BLUE.

OK, world, I'm sure you're gagging for more but that's all my shattered nerves can give you today. I'll be back, as and when, by and by.

My thanks go to Jane, for not laughing too much (just NEARLY too much) and showing me what to do.