Saturday 15 October 2011

Someone Else

Someone Else lives in our house. I've never seen him, but he's a busy boy, because every time something gets broken, or lost, or used up and not replaced, it always turns out that Someone Else did it. And he needs all the time and energy he can find, because whenever a job needs doing that noone wants to do, it is always left for Someone Else - not that it usually gets done, even so.

I wondered if Someone Else would leave home with Son or Daughter, but no, he's still living at home. I think he is taking things slightly easier - he hasn't made as much mess recently as he used to do - but it must be Someone Else who lets the neighbourhood cats in, and feeds them, because I expressly forbid it and Husband denies all knowledge.

I am beginning to feel haunted by Someone Else - he has started to come to work with me. He must be quite well-known (perhaps I should pay him more respect) because a colleague referred to him when alluding to something as being SEP, which apparently means Someone Else's Problem. Perhaps he is a management consultant, to have a Problem named after him (a bit like Fermat's Theorem, perhaps, or Sod's Law).

I wish he would do a bit more to help me, because I quite often end up doing jobs that were left for him. The really annoying thing about that is, that Someone Else always gets the credit.

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