Monday 22 December 2014

The clothes on their backs, by Linda Grant

This is the first book in a while that hasn't been a recommendation from someone. I chose it for myself, even though it wasn't the one I really wanted, which was Linda Grant's new novel, Upstairs at the party - but this was only available in hardback at the library and I didn't want to carry such a heavy tome home, never mind lug it to and fro on the train. So much for literary discernment - my choice determined entirely by convenience.

Having said which, someone saw me reading it and started enthusing about Linda Grant's work, and isn't it wonderful? Well, yes. Even though second choice, it wasn't a disappointment. It was a strange story, taking a historical character and spinning fiction out of it, which wouldn't be strange at all if it was set centuries ago, but does seem odd (to me, at least) when the events were within my lifetime and therefore can't be described (by me, at least) as historical fiction. It was very evocative, though, and the place and time lingers with me, even if I felt less than sympathetic to some of the characters.

Now I have a mind to try some real historical fiction - Patrick O'Brian - on the back of a very enthusiastic review in the Guardian. So, watch this space.

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