Saturday 9 January 2010


I was talking to a colleague in the staff room yesterday, having a bit of a rant about people and how silly they are being in the snow. There are a couple turning up to the bus stop now dressed in enormous (matching) anoraks, woolly hats, huge walking boots and a pair apiece of those silly spiked sticks, as if they were going up the Matterhorn, not getting a bus into town. "Hmmm," said my colleague, "I've got one of those spiked sticks, they're awfully useful for keeping your balance." So I had to backtrack and pretend that I thought it was only people who had two sticks who looked silly.

And I set off again on a different tack, about people on trains with rucksacks. I'd been knocked sideways that morning by some oaf with an enormous backpack, completely oblivious of what was going on behind him. "Ahh," said my colleague, "I've been using my rucksack the last couple of days."

Wouldn't it be great if Life had a "Back" button?

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