Wednesday 28 April 2010

A rave round the graves

I had a very enjoyable day out on Monday with J and L, who are blessedly undemanding friends, and so we potter along from coffee to cake and lunch, nattering about this and that, in a comfortable sort of a way. We don't agree about everything, but then we don't have to.

On Monday the focus of the day was Highgate Cemetery. I haven't been there for at least twenty years and it has certainly been tidied up (although still very overgrown) - the other innovation is that it is no longer possible just to go in and potter, not in the older part, where you have to join a guided tour. Our guide was excellent, which made it easier to bear (I'm not a great fan of guided tours) and I am sure we saw lots of things that we would otherwise have missed and learned more than we would have done on our own. Of couse it was frustrating not to be able to explore, or to linger. We did more of that afterwards when we crossed the road to the newer part of the cemetery, where you are allowed to wander undisturbed. The mood did gradually become more sombre...

So we went and had tea!

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